Workplace Consultant and Co-facilitator of Recalling Vocation course (with Kymberley)


Work is where most people spend the majority of their most productive time on Earth, work must become the primary opportunity for spiritual development. I believe personal and spiritual development can become accessible to everyone in their ordinary life – it should not be an elite cultural activity accessible to only a few but should be the core agenda of many.

As management consultants, we are primarily experiential. We will share the idea of transforming the workplace into an opportunity for personal development, in a practical way, by working through current challenges to demonstrate the possibility of transforming them into opportunities for personal and spiritual development. We will give you practical tools for self-awareness, transformation and healing, which you will be able to take away with you.

“What you want from your life you better want from your work – for that is where you spend the best of it”

“If people grow personally through their time at work – the workplace will grow with them. If they stagnate at work – the workplace will stagnate. Our time at work could be used for upgrading our well being, our self awareness, our communication skills, our empathy, resilience, character, compassion, clarity of thinking, strength of will, deep intelligence, integrity. Through work people can either grow or stagnate, evolve or deteriorate.” Yehuda Tagar.

One-to-one Coach, Counsellor, Life Journey Facilitator

I believe each client is their own unique source of self-awareness, providing the purpose and meaning for their life. Each session aims to empower the client with practical tools that resource new creative actions on the basis of their own intuitive wisdom.

We are the ones we were waiting for to take charge of our own life and to become the leader of our own personal destiny.

I am also a poet, storyteller, playwright, public speaker, Waldorf School Teacher and sometimes a carpenter.